Thursday, 26 November 2020

Farmers Insurance

Agricultural country

Pakistan is an agricultural country. In our homeland every person of our nation is directly or indirectly linked with farming and agriculture business.

Pakistan Economy Source

Pakistan’s 48% economy is based on agriculture. Large amount of earning is attain from farming and cultivation. More than 50% of population is dependent on agriculture and their bread and butter’s source is farm management.

Agriculture Insurance
Country of Farmers

Pakistan is the country of farmers. Farmers are the back bone of our motherland. In village many people’s main income is farming they give their whole year to land just for good production. The farmers considers their land as mother.

Risks to Farmers

There are many risks which can effects the crops of the farmer. Some of these are given below:

·         Rain and floods

·         Dry period and drought

·         Tropical storm

·         Pets attacks

·         Fire

·         Lightening

These are all the toughest situations which are unbearable for farmers.

Farmer’s Protection and Security

 Farmers safe guarding is for most important step. The only solution for tackling all these hard situations is insurance. Crop insurance become holding hand in the burdensome time of farmers.

What is Crop Insurance?

Crop insurance is the insurance which is used for the protection and security of standing crops and this insurance compensate all the losses of farmers and crops.

Crop Insurance


Crop and farmers insurance become the necessity now. Every person who is linked with agricultural business should be properly insured. So at the end the only way of guarding is complete and genuine farmers insurance.

Crop Insurance Companies

There are many crop and farmer insurance companies in Pakistan that offers different rates for the crop insurance and for farmer’s protection. But the best company is that which thinks for the farmers comfort and ease.

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited is the general insurance company. UIC provides vast range of packages for every field. It also deals with crop insurance which is totally fulfil all the demands of clients.

Some of the highlighted features of UIC crop insurance is given below:

·         All perils are covered

·         Losses of standing crops are covered

Two Types of Cover:

1.     Catastrophe Area Loss Cover (CALC)

2.     Catastrophe Individual Loss Cover (CILC)

Farmer’s Future

Farmers give their 100% effort to the land. Agriculture business is the future of every farmer and their all hopes are with crops. Insurance is the only source which makes the crop secure and protected.

Lack of Knowledge

The most disappointing factor of our society is people’s unawareness. People don’t have proper knowledge about the crop insurance and its benefits. Due to this farmers have to face large amount of loss. Farmers should adopt crop insurance which ultimately benefited the farmers and their field.

In a Few Words

Briefly every business man want to make its future and business secure. The farmers have liberty of making correct decision about their business. The farmers should also have alternate ways in case of any loss and damage and the one and only methods of getting full proof security is insurance, crop insurance. Make an insurance a part of your business.

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