Friday, 27 November 2020

Individual Health Insurance

Greatest Gift

Health is the greatest blessing in the world nothing can replace it. A healthy person can achieve everything in the life and nothing can be impossible for the healthiest person. No one can deny the importance of health.

Alternate Solution
insurance companies introduces an individual insurance plan which compensate in case of accident and emergency and gives coverages for all types of diseases. Individual Health Insurance now become a solution to tackle all the health issues.

Reasons to have a Health Insurance

Majority of Pakistani patients died because of improper treatment. People can’t afford standardize treatment and good quality medicines which is in results of severe damage.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is one of the most important insurance in the world. In developed countries health insurance perform a supreme role in the life of the people.

Necessary Step

In developed countries having proper health insurance is necessary. Insurance companies offers different plans for making every person’s life secure.

Benefits of having Health Insurance

There are many benefits of having health insurance some of which are given below:

·         Get immediate aid at the time of emergency and accident.

·         Get assistance in case of diseases

·         Provides consultation of good doctors

·         Insurance company will bear up all the medical expenses

What is Health Insurance Means?

Health insurance is the type of agreement which assure the compensation in case of any disease and accident and company pay all the expenses on behalf of clients or customers.

Individual Health Insurance

Top Insurance Companies in Pakistan

There are number of insurance companies which offers different insurance

·         The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited

·         SPI Insurance Company Limited

·         Jubilee Insurance

·         Adamjee Insurance

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited Introduction

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited, one of the best insurance company in Pakistan serving from number of years to the clients. UIC’s services are the most reliable. UIC insurance company of Pakistan limited is only insurance company which provides ultimate packages for the insurance.

UIC Individual health insurance plan

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited offers vast range of packages which are utterly covers the clients. Some of coverages are given below:

·         UIC covers all the surgery related charges

·         Charges of all prescribed drugs

·         Covers the charges of all tests

·         All types of additional fee during treatment

·         Covers the expenses of radiation therapies

·         Accidental death is also cover

·         Funereal expenses

·         All type of ambulance or transportation charges are included  

Worriless life

Health Insurance’s simply means that it will not increase the life but assures the healthy life. Having a proper health insurance secure you from the many expenses and provides best treatment in small range. People should educate themselves about the worth of health insurance and must acquire this for better and safe future.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Farmers Insurance

Agricultural country

Pakistan is an agricultural country. In our homeland every person of our nation is directly or indirectly linked with farming and agriculture business.

Pakistan Economy Source

Pakistan’s 48% economy is based on agriculture. Large amount of earning is attain from farming and cultivation. More than 50% of population is dependent on agriculture and their bread and butter’s source is farm management.

Agriculture Insurance
Country of Farmers

Pakistan is the country of farmers. Farmers are the back bone of our motherland. In village many people’s main income is farming they give their whole year to land just for good production. The farmers considers their land as mother.

Risks to Farmers

There are many risks which can effects the crops of the farmer. Some of these are given below:

·         Rain and floods

·         Dry period and drought

·         Tropical storm

·         Pets attacks

·         Fire

·         Lightening

These are all the toughest situations which are unbearable for farmers.

Farmer’s Protection and Security

 Farmers safe guarding is for most important step. The only solution for tackling all these hard situations is insurance. Crop insurance become holding hand in the burdensome time of farmers.

What is Crop Insurance?

Crop insurance is the insurance which is used for the protection and security of standing crops and this insurance compensate all the losses of farmers and crops.

Crop Insurance


Crop and farmers insurance become the necessity now. Every person who is linked with agricultural business should be properly insured. So at the end the only way of guarding is complete and genuine farmers insurance.

Crop Insurance Companies

There are many crop and farmer insurance companies in Pakistan that offers different rates for the crop insurance and for farmer’s protection. But the best company is that which thinks for the farmers comfort and ease.

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited is the general insurance company. UIC provides vast range of packages for every field. It also deals with crop insurance which is totally fulfil all the demands of clients.

Some of the highlighted features of UIC crop insurance is given below:

·         All perils are covered

·         Losses of standing crops are covered

Two Types of Cover:

1.     Catastrophe Area Loss Cover (CALC)

2.     Catastrophe Individual Loss Cover (CILC)

Farmer’s Future

Farmers give their 100% effort to the land. Agriculture business is the future of every farmer and their all hopes are with crops. Insurance is the only source which makes the crop secure and protected.

Lack of Knowledge

The most disappointing factor of our society is people’s unawareness. People don’t have proper knowledge about the crop insurance and its benefits. Due to this farmers have to face large amount of loss. Farmers should adopt crop insurance which ultimately benefited the farmers and their field.

In a Few Words

Briefly every business man want to make its future and business secure. The farmers have liberty of making correct decision about their business. The farmers should also have alternate ways in case of any loss and damage and the one and only methods of getting full proof security is insurance, crop insurance. Make an insurance a part of your business.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Home Insurance

 Home Love

Home is the place where you feel safe, everyone love their accommodations. Home is the 2nd name of affection, attachment, comfort and care. The attachment which we have with our residence nothing can replace it.

Laborious Effort

Build a house is the ultimate laborious task for everyone.  Everyone save their all income just to get a roof over there. The people long term hard work is required for build a house.


Safety is the first priority and foremost effort of every person for its loved things.

Powerful Assets

Property is the most powerful and helping asset for anyone. In tough time only property gives you aid and assured you safe future. So the main aim of every person in the world is making property.

Property Insurance

The most important step for anyone is making secure and protected the most precious asset. Property and home security is now become the most prominent feature in any one’s mind. The security of property and house is only possible with property insurance plan.

Home Insurance in Pakistan

What is Insurance?

This is the most arising question in the mind of every person. Insurance means “An arrangement by which a company provides a guarantee of compensation in case of any loss”.

Why Home Insurance?

Home insurance is the type of property insurance that covers all the losses and damages to the individual’s house and to asset in the home. Home insurance is the only protecting shield for house and property. Home insurance means an insurance for home which completely protects and guard a house and also protect the important things present in the house such as jewelry and cash.

Protection of Cash

Cash in the house is for emergency. We don’t know at which step, life show its cruel face and we have to face tough time. For tackling such conditions cash in hand or in safe is very much important.

Protection of Jewelry

Jewelry is one of the most valuable asset and mostly people kept it for the use in future. Women have the close relationship with their jewelries. The link between the ladies and their jewelries is inexpressible.

Coverage’s for Assets in Home 

Good home and property insurance is that which provides extra features which thoroughly protect and cover not only house and property but also protect the valuable assets with in the house.

Home Insurance Companies in Pakistan

There are many companies in Pakistan which offers different packages and coverages for home and property insurance.

The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited

One of the top most rated insurance companies in Pakistan is The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited, offering contrasting vast range of packages and coverages. In UIC home secure plan following are the prominent factors.


  • Property Insurance Coverages
    Harm because of burglary and armed robbery
  • Damage and loss because of earthquake
  • Destruction because of natural disasters        
  • Damage because of Riot & Strike
  • Acts of Malicious Persons
  • Thunder Storm
  • Damage because of Falling Aircraft and other Aerial Devices
  • Loss because of water leakage from pipes
  • Damage because of falling trees
  • Destruction of Accidental loss breakage (glazing)

Insurance of the Most Precious Asset

Home and property is the most important for the every person. Home secure plan protect and shielded the house from minor to major lose. The main aim of home Insurance and property insurance is safety and security.


Home insurance is the first priority of every property owner. Home secure plan not only protect the property but also protect the assets present in the house. So, make your home protected with best home secure plan